Sunday, September 03, 2006

I just took a look at my new friend's friends and I now feel really boring.

I have a myspace page that I have never maintained, never done anything with, and still occasionally get friend invites on; my latest myspace friend (will this become a new adjective?) has some really interesting looking myspace friends. I blend into the wallpaper by comparison.

I'll just have to compensate with my massive ego. Thank you Mr. Nietzsche; first you help me fill the void that religion left when it walked out the door (fill it with ego; what else can you call the instruction to create your own meaning, morality?), and now you help me stare in the looking glass, face the spectre of my blog laziness, and go "Eh". Not so much a philosophy as a way of life.

Of course, we all have to create our own meaning and morality anyway, even if passively. Massive ego is normal; natural; perhaps necessary; it's just that it's not always obvious.

No hiding. No lies.

I wonder if that's possible?

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