Friday, December 01, 2006

I want... (not going to happen and, anyway, not environmentally considerate).

L.C.D. wallpaper linked to my computer... I'd start off with opening credits scene from "Mars Attacks!"... with music. Yes, my girlfriend will definitely go along with that. She can have scenes from Gladiator next week.

Silly renewable energy idea/stream of thought.

Let's burn some deserts and turn them into solar panels; dig tunnels underneath, let moisture collect, create hydrogen... start running cars on this. Sure, it'll be that easy. That's the great thing about not being burdened with a lot scientific information, I can rush to conclusions with-out being burdened with seeing the potential difficulties. Think I'll become C.E.O. in the dreamscape. I'll get paid in dream currency. week, a really, really big mathematical equation.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Beginning to think that my entire life is finding things that I don't need to do and doing them, instead of doing what I want to do, which is scribble. Think I might be afraid of the page. Time to move into a cave and start eating bugs, write on leaves with charred sticks. Work? Friends? Mindless internet reading? Bah!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

I just took a look at my new friend's friends and I now feel really boring.

I have a myspace page that I have never maintained, never done anything with, and still occasionally get friend invites on; my latest myspace friend (will this become a new adjective?) has some really interesting looking myspace friends. I blend into the wallpaper by comparison.

I'll just have to compensate with my massive ego. Thank you Mr. Nietzsche; first you help me fill the void that religion left when it walked out the door (fill it with ego; what else can you call the instruction to create your own meaning, morality?), and now you help me stare in the looking glass, face the spectre of my blog laziness, and go "Eh". Not so much a philosophy as a way of life.

Of course, we all have to create our own meaning and morality anyway, even if passively. Massive ego is normal; natural; perhaps necessary; it's just that it's not always obvious.

No hiding. No lies.

I wonder if that's possible?

Friday, March 03, 2006

Hello Saferide played Nefertiti yesterday...

...and both they an their backing band were great. Several new songs were played, which was not the usual frustrating experience, because you could actually hear what she was singing. Very funny, bittersweet. Recommended.

Hello Saferide

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Why religion is not for me.

Belief not a choice. I don't choose to not belief in a divine mover, I simply don't.

I used to be a Roman Catholic; I came to asking myself why I gave creedance to this faith over any other, for example, Islam or Buddhism, and I couldn't find an answer to my satisfation; I simply don't see any evidence that gives weight to any one belief over another; it's all anecdotal; and they do contradict each other. Once one realises this, one asks why any of them has to be true.

I don't have any answers to the big questions we have. I understand those who believe that there must be an underlieing reason to how the universe came about beyond chance; maybe they're right; I don't know.

The evidence available is existence. One makes of that what one will. For me, it's enough information for me to derive the conclusion that we exist.

Everything else is speculation and opinion.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

It's 5.07 A.M. and the keyboard is clacking...

...but has it anything worth saying? Does anybody? Should we just stop talking altogether? Silent movies could back in fashion.

But there's still stuff going on the requires comment, censure. The U.S. bombing Pakistan yesterday, because, they could, because they are apparently beyond any reprisal other than disapproval; bombing in general, because it's nasty and indiscriminate; Chinese industrial labour conditions; Russian state aggression; nations going along with America's current disregard for international law, including, unfortunately, my own (Ireland); the many countries where women are second class citizens; et cetura.

It would be nice if we could all afford to shut up, but it's just not an ethically tenable position.